Sunday 3 March 2013

Discuss about the possibility of making an entire human being with the technology we have today. What do you think of it? Would you be able to accept an entirely synthesized human? What are the consequences? Do you think science has a limit?

Creating an entire human being with the technology we have today will be highly unlikely since we are not that advanced today. We may be capable of creating the individual organs via harvesting the cells and incubating them until they form into the organ but we are unable to create a heart or brain that is stable enough for transplant, let alone an actual human. Even if the organs were attainable, the process of connecting viable blood vessels, electrolyte signals and all the chemical needs is impossible in this period of time. Furthermore, the ability to package all the individual pieces in ONE single sheet of human skin that is smooth and "normal" looking is definitely far from our modern day technology. If a human were to be made, i fully believe that it would very much look like Anne Frank's Franklin! 

Since technology and science is rapidly advancing, it could be very possible that synthetic humans can be made-very far into the future that is. So, if these synthetic humans were to roam the earth, i do not believe that i nor others would be capable of accepting it into society as it is "against human growth". The idea that a human was created using stem cells of other people is going against the natural system of human growth. That human would always be considered the "scientific experiment" and become an "art piece" more so than a part of society. Furthermore, the price of synthesizing humans will inevitably cost thousands, millions, billions or even trillions of dollars; money that can be used for more promising things like finding cures and other USEFUL scientific discoveries. Also, the idea of creating a human, naturally, is much easier, simpler and cheaper.

The consequences of a synthesized human for the society that it will bring controversy of the definition of life and god. There will be many groups that will be against that human and new laws for science will have to be created. The human itself may become depressed due to all the negative groups against him and feel like a sojourner. The human will continually question his existence, creating psychological problems. Also, the question is what to do with the synthesized human, treat him like a human and blend it into society or make it a slave to serve us. Furthermore, the human many have needs, desires and urges and will they fall under the human rights act even though they are synthesized. What would happen if they were to procreate, etc? 

Science unfortunately does not have a limit because with every new discovery, new questions are created and thus, more science is needed to be discovered. Science is evolutionary and is therefore, forever changing. The limits for what to do with science is the question. As discussed in class, science is limited to the human capacity of discovering and will ultimately be limited to whether or not society accepts it. Society and the moral rights during that period defines what is accepted. For instance, the discoveries of great women like Barbara McClintok were denied because, during that time, women were incapable of scientific respect. Science is unlimited, human discoveries are unllimited, human capacity is limited and societal acceptance is limited

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